Sunday, March 16, 2014

That night

Growing up, I knew everyone in the little town in Mississippi I lived in. I had tons of friends, went to a wonderful church and my entire family lived there at one point or another.

When I was around 6 or 7 my mother came to me and told me our preacher was leaving our church. I was so sad.  He always took such good care of the congregation. I remember pajama parties, costume parties, and lots of fun. Then she asked me if I would like to be baptized by him before he left.  Like any small child I had no idea what baptizim intelled, but of course said yes.  I remember speaking to the preacher and he told me I had to ask God into my heart before he would baptize me. I told him that I had already asked him into my heart. In my mind we did every Sunday and Wednesday in our group prayer at church.  So a few days later I was baptized.  

My sophomore year in high school I was laying in bed one night and started praying.  I wasn't sure why I was praying at the time but I continued.   As I got deeper and deeper in prayer I thought oh my gosh ...  I am not saved.  Jesus isn't in my heart and if I were to die today I would go to hell. 

Several Sundays later the pastor preached on being saved.  He preached on false salvation.  How sometimes people "decide" to get saved instead of actually being led by GOD.  This made me think " wow I'm not the only one this has happened to"  I became scared God was disappointed in me for not doing it correctly the first time. 

God wasn't disappointed in me for getting baptized, He was proud of me for taking the step I needed to take to get saved.  Every day I thank GOD for coming into my heart and saving my soul.  I thank Him for that night I was laying in bed, praying.  I also thank Him for showing me the difference between being saved and just getting baptized.  With out that I would have never been saved and would go straight to hell thinking I was wasn't. 

 Ask Jesus to come into your heart and save your soul.  Do it because He leads you to do it, not because someone else did.  Just because you are baptized doesn't mean you are saved either.  It just means you were dunked in some water.  Being baptized is washing away all that you were and makes you new.  God loves you and is here for you.  If you are thinking about getting saved or want to now more about it see your pastor.  If you don't have a home church you are always wecome to email me and I can try to help you. 

Have a good day ya'll and GOD bless

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