Friday, June 20, 2014

Being content

     The other night I was searching for something on tv that jayden and I could watch while we cozyed.  She always tends to get into any type of sitcom or reality show and won't fall asleep so I try to watch something that wouldn't particularly interest her.  I saw Joel Osteen was on and chose it.  I follow him on Facebook and always love the positive things he shares.  Well, his sermon was on being content.  
     We always want a better job.  We always want a bigger or better house or car. We always want more kids or make more money.  We always want more expensive toys. We always want more clothes or shoes or have better hair or nails.  We always have to give better Christmas presents than last year or than others.  We always want to be skinnier or more tan. We always want to be more fit. 
There is ALWAYS SOMETHING we want to change or we feel like isn't good enough.  What if God thought that about you?  What if He thought you just weren't as good as someone else that had more money or was skinnier.  What if He thought oh yeah I won't die for you for your sins but I'll die for this guy over here because he wears name brand clothes.  Oh wait.  He would NEVER do that.  God loves us unconditionally.  We just have to learn to love ourselves the way we are before He will bless us with more.  Think about it.  Why would God bless you with a better job if you aren't grateful for the one you have? Why would God bless you with your dream house if you aren't so thankful you aren't living under a bridge.  Learn to be content with what you have and maybe later on He will bless you with more.  But if you are truly content you won't even worry about it.  

      I have taken so much from this sermon and am learning to be content with my life and myself.  I have also learned to stop waiting on things to change that I can change myself.  My weight for example.  I always used to joke about being overweight.  Truth is honestly, it's unhealthy. I have a few health problems and I don't need the added stress to my body the extra pounds add. So I decided to do something.  Same with a few other things in my life that I know I can change. 
    So the lesson of the day, change what you can and be content with what you can't.  God will change it when and if he wants.  Have a blessed day peeps ;-) 

I totally have to post about the salon too!!! We are ALMOST finished with the remodel!!! :-)